This workshop will provide you and your organization with practical insights and strategies into Chinese culture and society. Doing Business in India will help establish relationships, avoid costly pitfalls and mistakes, and improve existing working relationships with your Indian counterparts.
Who should attend?
- Companies and organizations who are considering doing business in India
- Organizations experiencing difficult interactions with Indian partners, staff or suppliers
- Individual consultants looking to broaden their network and expand their business
- Public sector employees working with Indian counterparts
- Academic institutions
Learning Objectives
Courses participants will:
- learn key points about Indian history, culture and contemporary society
- understand the influence of culture on behaviour
- communicate effectively in an international/intercultural environment
- go beyond dos and don’ts and develop strategies to avoid or overcome intercultural
- negotiate the win-win deal
Doing Business in India is a blended solution workshop mixing online resources and an interactive workshop based on adult education principles and led by one of our experienced trainers. Workshops also include presentations by Indian subject matter experts suited to your sector. Each participant receives an electronic course package with materials, case studies and job aids.
Doing Business in India is a 1-day course. Graybridge Malkam can adapt this course to meet the specific needs of your organization.
When and Where?
Courses are offered on client or Graybridge Malkam premises and are available on-demand.