This workshop will help you adapt and integrate into Canadian society and the Canadian workplace. Short-term study groups will gain a better understanding of how and why Canadians work the way they do. Understanding the Canadian Workplace Culture will increase your likelihood of success while studying or working in Canada and help to establish sustainable and fruitful partnerships.
Who should attend?
- International post-secondary students
- International personnel of companies with foreign joint ventures or partnerships
- Public sector study tours or international delegations
- Skilled Workers and professionals immigrating to Canada
Learning Objectives
Course participants will:
- understand the influence culture has on behaviour
- become familiar with Canadian workplace or academic culture and practices
- improve cross-cultural communication capabilities
- develop strategies to integrate into the Canadian workplace or academic life
Understanding the Canadian Workplace Culture is an interactive classroom-based course based on adult education principles and led by one of our experienced trainers. A pre-course e-learning module on the basics cultural competence is required* prior to classroom attendance. Participants are provided with practical tools and job-aids.
* This pre-course is not required if this course is combined with the Developing Intercultural Competence course
Understanding the Canadian Workplace Culture is a 1-day workshop. GM can adapt this course to meet the specific needs of your employees.
When and Where?
Courses are offered on client or Graybridge Malkam premises and are available on-demand.