This course will help you develop the special leadership and managerial skills necessary to bridge the language, cultural, time and distance barriers common to all virtual teams. Leading the Global Virtual Team will quickly teach you practical steps to take in order to maximize your team’s potential and meet or exceed your project/program objectives.
Who should attend?
Middle to senior managers who lead virtual international teams.
We recommend our Developing Intercultural Competence course as a precursor this workshop.
Learning Objectives
Course participants will:
- learn the concept of culture
- identify their own leadership style and how to adapt it to diverse GVT members
- develop strong cross-cultural communication skills
- establish a common vision and purpose for the GVT*
- develop strategies for motivating/coaching individual GVT members
- cultivate trust and foster better relationships in their GVT
* intact groups only
Leading the Global Virtual Team is an interactive classroom-based course based on adult education principles and led by one of our experienced trainers. A pre-course e-learning module on the basics of cultural competence is required* prior to classroom attendance. Participants are provided with practical tools and job-aids.
* This pre-course is not required if this course is combined with the Developing Intercultural Competence course
Leading the Global Virtual Team is a 1-day workshop. This workshop can be combined with the Developing Intercultural Competence course.
GM can adapt this course to meet the specific needs of your employees.
When and Where?
Courses are offered on client or Graybridge Malkam premises and are available on-demand.