How we can help
Since 1989, Graybridge Malkam has worked with organizations to help them meet the requirements of Employment Equity legislation. Our team of experts can help you with one or all of the following steps in our Employment Equity process:
Workforce Analysis
The workforce analysis is a key component of an effective employment equity plan. We determine the degree of underrepresentation by comparing the designated group representation in each occupational group in your organization to the designated group representation in the relevant external labour pool.
Employment Systems Review
If under-representation is found in the workforce analysis, the next step is to complete an employment systems review (ESR) to identify the barriers that contribute to these gaps. The ESR includes:
- a review of all human resource policies and practices in your organization
- an identification of systemic barriers that provide probable explanations of the areas of under-representation
- an assessment of the potential for reasonable accommodation to overcome the valid barriers
- Providing a basis for corrective action to remove barriers
- Employment Equity Plan
Employment Equity Plan
Using all the information gathered in the previous steps, our team will develop a sustainable employment equity plan. The plan will provide a systematic and structured approach to removing barriers and implementing positive policies, practices and special measures that will remove gaps in the representation of the four designated groups. The plan is intended to be a “living document” that can be easily monitored and updated by your organization or by Graybridge Malkam.
Who is this for?
Any organization legislated under the Federal Contractors Program and the Legislated Employment Equity Program